SpireBit - Your Reliable Financial Partner

Buy, sell and earn on cryptocurrencies, indices and stocks of the international corporations.

A new level of investment

Endless possibilities with SpireBit

Join the millions of those who have already opted for the most reasonable strategy for investing in cryptocurrencies. Discover numerous asset classes with SpireBit

The market is available to everyone

Wide range of asset classes


The main difference between cryptocurrency trading and the traditional market is volatility. The price changes with incredible speed. Volatility – with proper work, creates excellent conditions for trading.


Stock trading is a reliable trader’s tool with a quite high forecasting level. Comprehensive analytics of the securities market is carried out due to fundamental data, which allows receiving high dividends in a short time.


Commodity markets provide an opportunity for highly profitable trading for private traders. Soft commodities like wheat or sugar have been trending for centuries. These assets are popular with many traders due to the possibility of diversification and flexible risk settings. 

Stock indices

Stock indices are indicators of the dynamics of the securities market. Calculations of these assets are based on the prices of the most liquid stocks of many companies. The national economy is built based on the most developed industries; the indices of various countries show the aggregate state of these industries, which makes it easy for traders to predict the market direction.

Precious metal futures

One of the profitable ways of trading is futures trading in precious metals. Gold is the most popular metal among a million-strong community of traders, the virtue of which is considered to be constant and independent demand in times of crisis. Long-term trading makes it possible to obtain tangible benefits and save savings in the market.

Government bonds

Trading government bonds is one of the most conservative trading methods. Bond spreads have always been a popular tool in volatile market phases, allowing taking advantage of spontaneous opportunities with predictable risk.

Trade on the go

Create your crypto portfolio

Data encryption

Your transaction data is encrypted. You are the only person who can access your personal data.

Available plans

You can choose a trading plan that best suits your investment ambitions.

Convenient technologies

Working with SpireBit is quite simple. Traders from all over the world can use our products from various devices; all they need is Internet access.

Technical support

Technical support with our customer service and sales experts.

Our Partners
Trade with experts

Trade, learn and earn

SpireBit provides professional support and high quality analytics service to our clients. Individual consultations, training in trading from scratch, trade and technical support are just a small part of the services we provide.

Register now

Follow these simple steps to start trading

Deposit your account

You have various options for depositing your account. Choose a convenient payment method and start trading.

Verify your identity

Verify your identity to secure your trading account and transactions.

Start trading

Make your financial goals happen by trading various assets.

SpireBit takes trading to
the next level!

When working with us, you are provided with financial stability, as well as world-class service by maintaining full redundancy and the highest standards of legal compliance.

Risk warning: Trading financial instruments and (or) cryptocurrencies involves high risks, including the risk of losing part or all of the investments, and therefore is not suitable for all investors. The prices of cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile and can change under the influence of external factors such as financial news, legislative decisions or political events. Margin trading leads to increased financial risks.

Before making a decision to make a transaction with a financial instrument or cryptocurrencies, you should obtain full information about the risks and costs associated with trading in financial markets, correctly assess the investment objectives, your experience and the acceptable risk level, as well as seek professional advice (if necessary).

SBT INVESTMENTS LIMITED is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 913632).